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Delete Conda Environment

How to Delete an Environment in Conda

Deprecation of the "conda env" Subcommand

The "conda env" subcommand has been deprecated. The officially recommended way to remove an environment is now "conda remove -n ENV_NAME --all".

Steps for Deleting an Environment

Here's a summary of the steps involved in deleting an environment in Conda:

  1. Deactivate the existing environment using the "conda deactivate" command.
  2. Remove the environment using the "conda remove -n ENVIRONMENT -p" command.

Additional Commands

With Conda, you can also use the following commands to manage environments:

  • Create an environment: "conda create -n ENVIRONMENT"
  • Export an environment: "conda env export -n ENVIRONMENT"
  • List all environments: "conda env list"
  • Update an environment: "conda update -n ENVIRONMENT"
