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Hung Jury Meaning

Hung Jury - Meaning, Consequences, and Legal Proceedings

What is a Hung Jury?

A hung jury, also known as a deadlocked jury, occurs when a jury cannot reach a unanimous verdict after extended deliberation. This means that the jurors are unable to agree whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty.

Causes of a Hung Jury

There are several reasons why a jury may become hung, including:

  • Insufficient evidence
  • Conflicting witness testimony
  • Ambiguous or complex legal instructions
  • Differing interpretations of the facts
  • Personal biases or beliefs

Consequences of a Hung Jury

For the defendant, a hung jury can result in a mistrial. This means that the case will be retried with a new jury. In some cases, the prosecution may decide not to retry the case, which would result in the charges being dismissed. For the court, a hung jury can lead to wasted time and resources.

Legal Proceedings After a Hung Jury

When a jury becomes hung, the judge will typically declare a mistrial and discharge the jury. The prosecution then has the option of retrying the case with a new jury or dismissing the charges. If the case is retried, the new jury will hear the same evidence and consider the same legal issues as the first jury.

To avoid hung juries in the future, courts can implement various measures such as providing clear jury instructions, allowing jurors to ask questions during the trial, and conducting thorough juror voir dire to eliminate potential biases.
